
#5 - Suen Sing - In life, the more you give, the more you get.

Season 1 Episode 5

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Our 5th episode is a special one! This episode is a time-travelling journey, from 2018 to now, from Cantonese to English, from past to present. This time, we travelled to 2018 Hong Kong, my home town, to listen to Suen Sing, my grandpa, life story. 

Born in 1930 in Dongguan China, Suen Sing grew up in poverty and instability. Starting to work when he was 9, he knew he had to work hard and be smart to have a good life. His family's love and belief in education pushed him to leave China for Hong Kong.  His childhood was not how you and I would imagine today. You will find out how he witnessed human cannibalism and how he made himself into a respected school principal.  

We also dive deep into his business and networking philosophy. Do you believe in an afterlife? After hearing how Suen Sing became a Christian in his elderhood, you might start to wonder if is there a higher power.  

Ready to go back in time - to 1930s China? Be ready for a ride!

P.S. Mother's Day is coming up! If you want to create a special gift for your mom, your grandma, or an important woman, contact me to see how I can help you record her life story.

Dear Grandpa,
I love you and I know you are smiling from heaven without pain now. Thank you for being my most vivid storyteller. I am so grateful that Victoria recorded a part of your life story. By sharing your life story, I am passing on your legacy and wisdom to the next generation, not just to my family but to the world. 
Love, Nicole

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Singer (00:08): Intro Song

In the UK, Mother’s Day is coming up this Sunday. Arabic Mother's Day is coming on March 21st. For a lot of European, Asian (including Hong Kong) and African countries - Mother's Day will be on the 2nd Sunday of May. Regardless of where you are and when are you celebrating, Mother's Day is about celebrating your important maternal figures (that could be mom, grandma, or a woman whom you care about). The importance is we show our gratitude and love for her. How much do you know about these important women in your life? Do you know about what their life was like before you came into their lives?  Time to consider recording their stories for them and you! Go to the Beyondhood website to see how we can create this special and memorable Mother's Day gift for you. Our contact info is in the show notes. 

Hello my dear friends, Welcome back to the Beyondhood podcast Ep 5: Suen Sing,  my dear grandpa. Before we start, I want to share with you the story of how this podcast was made. 

For those of you who have been following Beyondhood, in ep2, I shared that my dear grandpa, who inspired me to start Beyondhood passed away in Oct 2023. I am grateful that I was able to be back in Hong Kong for his last days and be there with him and my family during his last moment on earth. As part of the funeral, my cousin Victoria and I created a memorial book to honour him, as if God knew that I wish I had interviewed Grandpa before he passed away, Victoria told me that she had 2 recordings of Grandpa about his life while she did a school project on him a few years ago. Although the recording was not perfect and needed more organisation to make a story, I knew I had to create this podcast for my grandpa as my final gift to him. The question is how? 

Grandpa’s original recording was in Cantonese, our mother tongue, so I translated it into English, special thank you to my dear cousin Victoria, who had the foresight to record Grandpa’s stories before it was too late, she reviewed and helped me edit the story, without her, I wouldn't be able to publish this podcast. After editing the final version of Grandpa’s story in English, I then had to solve one more obstacle: who am I going to find to represent Grandpa’s voice? I came up with 2 options: Option 1:  AI voice cloning software to transform text into speech. I heard so many things about voice cloning - I researched it and found out that Cantonese is not a mainstream language, will cost me 7500 USD  if I have to clone Granda’s voice from Cantonese to English OK- that is not an option. Option 2 - I went on to Fiverr - the marketplace for freelance try to find an older man who could represent my grandpa. However, I couldn't find a suitable voice - either they were too British, South African, or not fit for purpose. After more brainstorming, I finally came to the solution that I feel is an authentic representation to tell the stories. Now, we will go on to the interview and you have to stay until the end of the episode to find out who is this voice and why I chose him: By sharing Grandpa’s story, I am passing on his legacy and wisdom to the next generation, not just to my family but to the world and you guys. 



Granddad Where did you grow up and what was your childhood like?



Nicole, I was born in 1930 and grew up in Dongguan China



For those of you who don't know dongguan is an industrial city in China's peril raver doubter about a two-hour drive from our hometown Hong Kong



I haven't an older brother but my dad passed away when I was 3 and my mom died when I was 7 my dad's sister-in-law's aunt t d was the one who took care of me. She became our mom. She was only 17 when my uncle died and she dedicated her life to taking care of me and my brother.



Wow, I remember hearing Auntie Di’s Story from you can you share with us a story with Auntie D And what did you guys do together?



Wow. There are so many of them but my aunt cooks peanuts and sells them on the street for a living I remember one day I volunteered to help auntie to show their support. My classmates came. Tory from me because they are my friends I gave the penis to them for free I guess I did not have a concept of money back then I was happy though. She asked me why I was so happy and I said. Because everyone loved the peanuts when she asked me where the money was I said well I gave all the peanuts away for free. She was so angry because we didn't get any money back and we needed that money.






After that, she never really let me sell any peanuts anymore instead I had to go work on the farm with my brother farming millet was tough whenever it rained I had to stand and eat on the field because there was no cover. I still remember how cold it was and how I was always hungry. We often ate sweet potatoes for days live was tough in China in the 30s but I had a lovely family who loved each other and cared for each other.



Wow, I didn't know that you helped Auntie sell Peanuts who were your trow her best friends and how did you meet them? Can you share a memorable adventure? You guys had together.



Sure my best friends were Chun and Tong they were my neighbours when I was a kid and we went to the same school. Our school was very large and located in an ancestral hall. I didn't have money so I couldn't register for the school examination. But I somehow sneaked in and managed to take the exam when the exam result came out I cried at first because I couldn't see my name on the list. However, Chun and tongue cat looking. Name for me then I realized I couldn't find myself because the school spelled my name last name wrong I was number 1 in the school exam. Our friendship lasted all our lives for about 80 years and even after I moved to Hong Kong they often came. To visit me our friendship lasts to the pass away a few years ago



Wow, 80 years of friendship I remember seeing Uncle Chung and Tong and you guys had a picture that you went to Disneyland together about ten years ago while 80 years of friendship. That's amazing. How about how was your relationship with your brother I remember you had 1 older brother.



He was my best friend we were so close doing everything together and handling everything together. The first time I smoked opium was actually with my brother when I was 7 back then everything was different. So don't try it now. Kids.






There was a drought in China and people were praying for the rain. There wasn't enough food actually so people coed and ate those bodies out of desperation in Dong Guan. I still remember it like it was yesterday. I witnessed how they boiled the body. But I was too afraid to eat humans I was eight years old at the time after this incident I asked my brother can I go to Hong Kong to make a living place I heard there are a lot of opportunities and food in Hong Kong you have kids and a farm here. So I needed to make money in Hong Kong my brother disagreed you're too young. He said then we had a family discussion with Auntie and she thought it would be good too. And said she could bring me to Hong Kong to stay with her relative before I left but my brother said something to me that I will always remember make a living and life of your own remember to get educated in Hong Kong Education would get you out of profity.



Wow, that was the last sentence that your brother spoke to you about making a living and life of your own remember to get an education in Hong Kong I think that's a memo that Dad and Grandpa always share. Me as well. Education will always stay with us so you left China and moved to Hong Kong for a better life but Grandpa you were only nine and still a trial What could you do? And actually, what did you do in Hong Kong



Nowadays a nine-year-old is still a child. However, back then a nine-year-old was strong enough to start working and had to make a living that I also had to make a living I lived. In a remote part of Hong Kong with Auntie’s distant relative first I worked as a shipping cargo mover at the seaport it was so cold all the time and I had the constant worry of falling into the sea. After a couple of months, I told the owner I wanted. Ah, I wanted a better job and I was willing to learn I told him I knew how to use an ah.



I told him I knew how to use an abacus.



For those of you who don't know, the Abacus is a hand-operating calculating tool which was used from ancient times in Near East Europe China and Russia until the adoption of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system. And the calculator. So abacus was what we used before the calculator existed.



And knew how to write I was very polite I always served tea to the boss to make sure he felt respected so naturally all the managers liked me and were willing to give me work soon. I was promoted to a system manager I was only ten years old however I started to think the best I could do in this job was to be a manager and that would take at least 10 years I recalled what my brother told me when I left for Hong Kong get an education I told the boss that this was not my dream I moved to even more remote parts of Hong Kong to save rent cheaper rent in the countryside I also ate a lot of Yuba. Which is tofu skiing because there were plenty of them on the farm in the countryside. Such good memories. They're very sweet and tasty I used to eat them a lot also in the countryside many people gambled with orange seeds. They were too poor to gamble with money my friends and I would eat them right after they finished the game that was one of my fondest memories. It was a luxury for us to eat yuba and oring seeds.



Sometimes even in orange. The boss understood my dream and said to me when I left people would like to learn would secede and no one can ever take away your education be courageous. You are always welcome to come back. If you want after finishing school I was very touched by his words that was a time when people had a lot of empathy and looked out for each other I knew my dream was to be an educated man because. Education would take me out of poverty at the time I could only do night school because I needed to make a living during the day I worked as a waiter in the Dong Guan Trade Business Center while going to night school I took advantage of working at a Trade Business Center. Every day I listen and listen and learn from their conversation about how to do business and how to build a network one of the main businessmen liked me especially because of my politeness and curiosity. My monthly salary was only one gbp per month at that time he appreciated my attitude so he gave me a job with a 10 gbp salary I was so touched and shared with him that I wanted to go to school and he sponsored me for my night school.



I will never forget his kindness and generosity.



While Granddad your childhood you started working when you were 9 very different from our generation now it will be trial abuse to work when you were 9



Yes, child labor indeed.



But I guess back in the days in the 30s in China Life was different. You were living in surviving mode. You were living to make a living and that childhood made you feel happy. Where you feel that it was tough for you.



Ah, Nicole, my focus wasn't being happy at the time my focus was to make a living and survive that experience taught me a lot about perseverance about how to. As long as there is a focus and there's a goal we have to accomplish you know, whatever it takes so in hindsight looking back I would think that is what makes me have the life I have right now. So I guess you could say. That was happy in that sense.



I See your childhood is very different from a normal trial and now we're moving to your adolescence. You mentioned that education is so important and you went back to night school. How. Was your going back-to-school Exper. What did you study?



At first, I studied English but it was very difficult. My classmates often teased me about my accent but I ignored them because my goal was just to learn English. I then switched to another school and studied accounting and business management. It was a very warm school. Everyone was so kind I later found out it was sponsored by the communist party I learned so much about relationships between people, accountancy and business skills.



I still remember the songs we sang even though it was seventy years ah ago I will never forget the warmth between classmates in this school.


Here is the recording of Grandpa sharing with Victoria how lovely are his schoolmates and the singing of his school songs even though was 70 years ago. 



Wow, what were Hong Kong and China like in this period did you ever go back to China after you started school?



There was a lot of instability and wars in the 1940s s there was the Japanese strike against Hong Kong



So I went back to do some research in 41 on December 8 Japan struck against Hong Kong and the battle of Hong Kong had begun.



Then in the 1950, the Korean War occurred many of my classmates left Hong Kong and went to China to fight along with death North Korean and soviet allies' fight against South Korea patriotism was high at the time I decided to go back to China to support them I thought of enlisting in the war but I hated wars and my friends strongly advised against it instead I wanted to support our country by being an educator. So that I can educate the next generation therefore I first became a teacher in the school and then was promoted to become the principal.



History notes the Chinese Civil War was fought between the Kuomintang lead government of the Republic of China Koang who later left China and moved to Taiwan and the forces of the Chinese communist party. Armed conflict continues intermittently from 1927 to 1949. The result was a communist victory and subsequent control of Mainland China



As a teacher and Principal, I saw a lot of them being suppressed and needed to join the reform movement I secretly helped the students by asking them to admit their wrongdoing.



For those of you who don't know at this time according to the Chinese historian between January and October 1950, there were over 800 counter-revolutionary riots nationwide. What grandpa seeing the student. This is what he meant this was a campaign launched by the communist party that decided to eradicate the opposition element, especially all the former Kuomintang



However, out of nowhere one day I was accused of being a part of the counter-revolutionaries and was sent to the labour reform I remember there was one night I got woken up by the heavy rain. No food. They moved us to the top of the mountain to escape the rain. no clothes no nothing luckily we got back safely by staying in the group I will always remember to help others even in difficulties. Also luckily the boss promoted me to work in the factory since I knew how to read I then was responsible for reading the newspaper.



Granddad you literally lived through wars there were so many different wars and different strikes against Hong Kong between China then when did you come back to Hong Kong and what happened? Happened to you when you returned.



In 1961 the second big wave of people left China at that time I was already high up in the government but I had witnessed so many deaths on the twenty-fourth of May. 61 it was the last day to escape I decided to escape China again I remember talking to colleagues in the government we said no one wants to leave their home country if life is good. I will never forget this experience because this time I left with an even heavier heart I had 2 marriages and my kids are all in China after the reform I knew that going to Hong Kong would give me and my kids a better future. I risked my life to escape and swam across the sea to Hong Kong this time I arrived in Hong Kong as an adult I borrowed money from a relative to make a suit so that I could go to an interview. I found a job as a salesman for a publisher at first she asked for a Hong Kong ID I said I forgot and would share it next time when in fact, I didn't have it Hong Kong ID I got the job but the salary was very low.



But I didn't mind as long as there was a bed to sleep in and food to eat it will it would make good enough which the owner provided I proposed the marketing idea of having a buy 1 get 1 free scheme. The publishing company I suggested did this with old books so that they could get rid of their inventory while getting more space business was good. I was a very important asset to them while I was working at the publisher. I met my current wife. She was a teacher and I sold books to her I gave her a free sample book to try. She introduced me to other school teachers and principals we became friends and often went to social dances. And leisure swimming when we first met we were just friends as she had a boyfriend but that man had a bad character. They broke up after she caught him gambling and going to a prostitute with Dan became a couple. And 64 we got married we have 2 daughters and a son I encouraged her to start her school I left my education job in China but somehow I married a school teacher. what a circle



In life, I had to borrow money to get married and to host a banquet banquet for the wedding. It was Chinese tradition for the men to pay for the whole banquet so that we could invite all our family members.



Oh, I didn't know that you started as a school publishing job buy 1 get 1 free scheme I know Nowaday buy 1 Get one free sounds very normal but back in the day it was a very innovative idea. Granda, you were a good salesman then what did you do as a career after getting a salesman job for a publisher I know that you were an entrepreneur How did you start?



So after I got married I started working in a friend's factory I had a close relationship with the owner. He treated me like his own son after he died I decided to start my own business. With 500 gbp,  I set up a stationary and Garmin accessories trading business in Hong Kong and hacked a nineteen seven nineteen sixty-seven Hong Kong riot so I went to Japan to start Garmin labels because they have the machinery I went and walked through each factory to sell I hired sales to start trading my business is to get my orders from customers. And then hirering an agent to manufacture them I made my money in arbitrage I believe who wins the heart of the people wins the world if your partners make money you will also make money yourself therefore I even show my cost. Prize to the agents and share with them my profit percentage my strategy is to have a small profit for each sale but for many sales my unusual strategy made me famous within the industry. It was hard work.



But I earn a lot of business through my good reputation.



History notes in 1967 there were large-scale anti-overurman riots that occurred in Hong Kong during British rule beginning as a minor neighbor spill the demonstration eventually escalated into a protest against the colonial governments.



Then in the eighty s I became an expert I became an export trading consultant especially helping foreign companies set up their cooperations in China the bridge between the West And East. I had been to the UK the US Japan and Taiwan where I worked with many international corporations I was invited to attend the eighteen I was invited to attend the 1982 state opening of parliament. And the Palace of Westminster because of my work I helped a lot of foreign companies to go to China to start their new business having my own business gave me freedom but it was also very unstable. Some days you earn a lot of money. And some days you had nothing to bring back to the family.



Wow, The state opening of parliament in the Palace of Westminster is something I learned about you knew you were a successful businessman and there was a rise and fall. In your career as an entrepreneur. What would you say was your business philosophy that made you a success?



I am a man who prides myself in how I dress I believe your appearance is a big factor that determines your success tidiness and proper attire. Do not necessarily mean that they have to be expensive so as long as you comb your hair and dress yourself neatly you attract good energy and opportunities I love going to Dim Sum restaurants and I always tip.



Yeah, yes, this is something going to dim some and always tip puzzle me and always make you so unique I Still remember the time that even when you were older, you did not work. It. You still always tell me to tip the waiter. Because being generous is a big part of your philosophy in general you had a very successful career went through Ups and downs, and did export trading and selling. What was the transition from adulthood to elderhood like for you can you share with us was there an a-ha moment in your life? You feel going from being a doo. To be an older person.



Well, I love reading poetry traveling and meeting new people 20 in 2006 and 2012 when I was in my 70s. I went on a cruise by myself to Turkey and Europe although I went by myself I met so many different friends throughout the trip I kept a journal for all of these trips I love writing poetry because the words are romantic. Ah, words and words are the best tool to express how I feel I also love writing cards and I often write birthday cards to express my feelings toward my family.



I Still have a lot of cards and letters that Grandpa wrote to me that I kept dear with me how about the relationship with your family?



I have many kids and grandkids. 

Son Simon - He has always been very generous toward me. I am forever grateful for his financial support when I had difficulties in my business and my elderhood. I am so proud of his own successful business. I am so grateful to have all of my kids and grandkids. 

Daughter Vera and son-in-law Louis - very smart - She got to become a trainee in the bank. She is very independent and she cared for me a lot in my elderhood. My son-in-law was also very smart and took care of me and the family very well. 

Daughter Siu Ling and son-in-law Daniel - went to school in the UK on their own and worked very hard. They were the prime example of working hard to rise to the top.  I am very proud of them. 

Son Wing Yan and daughter-in-law - Clara- love diving and are hardworking people who are always willing to take the initiative to help out other family members. He is reliable and responsible. 

I have a very big family and a very good & close relationship with my grandkids, especially Victoria and Nicole. 



Ah, it's amazing to hear your comments and how you describe uncles and aunties. Now I want to switch the gear into something a bit different. Which is something I always ask in my interview.  Do you believe in the afterlife?



Yes - I do, my wife was a Christian so my family used to pray for me. However, I never considered myself a Christian until 2003 when my wife passed away. I always thought that I could do anything with pure determination in life. I was successful as a businessman and that added to my belief that I could accomplish anything I wanted to and didn’t need God. But when I was faced with the death of my wife, whom I loved dearly, I realised just how limited we were as human beings, so helpless before death. Before she passed, her pastor came to the hospital and held both of our hands, asking what we wanted to say to each other. We shed tears and shared our love for each other. We forgave each other. The pastor prayed with us and I suddenly realised I was only human, one day I would die. To meet my wife again in Heaven, I decided to get to know God. Through going to church, I witnessed God’s great love and power… I used to fear death, but because of having faith in God, I am no longer scared of death anymore. 



That speaks to me. I know there is a higher power within us I think as we get older. We realize that in addition to hope. Have to have faith and to faith I started to believe there's a higher being. We're coming to the end of the episode finally as I always ask. Could you share 1 piece of advice for us for the younger generation and the world?



There are so many things. But if you have to ask me for 1 piece of advice I would say is very important to be generous giving is the biggest joy you can have the more you give. The more you get in life thatness doesn't necessarily mean you will get anything back but a good reputation true friends and a warm feeling in your heart are priceless.



Um, thank you.



In the end, I wish I had a full recording of Grandpa before his passing. However, as I share with you guys I will let you know who is this voice I'm forever grateful for. Drum roll sound. My brother was ruling to be the voice to tell Grandpa's story who better to speak on behalf of Granddad than his grandson?

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Singer (38:30): 
Ending song

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